Renegade Pictures does not accept unsolicited submissions. This includes, but is not limited to: screenplays, treatments, loglines, or synopses. If you wish to submit any of the previously listed items, please have your literary agent contact us. Unsolicited materials are immediately discarded unopened and unread.
If you are not represented by a literary agent and wish to submit material, use the following guide:
1. Open a Submission Ticket 2. After we have responded to your ticket, package your materials in an 8.5″ x 11″ manila envelope with the ticket number CLEARLY MARKED on the outside. 3. Enclose a SASE along with your materials so we may return them to you. 4. Mail your package to the address we provide.
Again, we cannot stress this point enough: any materials arriving at our offices without a submission ticket in our database will be considered unsolicited and discarded.
First Name *
Last Name *
Email (required) *
Type of submission *
Additional notes
© [2016] Renegade Pictures
Renegade Pictures
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